Friday, March 16, 2012

Mineral,VA Bluegrass Festival 2007

Blake Williams (former Bluegrass Boy who teamed up with Bill Monroe) 2007

I brought sushi with me from a nearby grocery store

Williams & Clark Exhibition 2007

Goldwing Express

Marshall Wilborne

Lynn Morris

Dudley Connell & Sally Love-Connell 2007

Seneca Rocks! 2007 way way back it was the Johnson Mt Boys - Eddie Stubbs

Tom Adams
David McLaughlin & Marshall Wilborn 2007

Goldwing Express @ their merchandise table 2007

Lewis Family 2007

Little Roy Lewis 2007

Lewis Phillips 2007

mystery performer in a loud dress & dark pigtails gets photographed

Dewey Brown
Check out those funky shoes!!
A fan & Ralph Stanley ll

look @ the banjo picker!! LOL!!!
what's this mandolin player doin' wearing this "get up"?
Sirious LEE!

pick on Steve Sparkman!!

dear ol Dr Ralph

Jesse McReynolds & the Virginia Boys

autographed hat

Little Roy signs my baseball

Jesse McReynolds signs my baseball 2007
Bill Yates 2007

me & Little Roy Lewis

me & Jesse McReynolds 2007

Bluegrass kitty cat

David McLaughlin 2007

James Allen Shelton 2007

Dr Ralph signs my baseball

Sirious LEE Ralph ll with a signed football!

Sign on Dr Ralph!!

Bill Yates & James Allen Shelton

Dr Ralph, ll & Nathan Stanley 2007
I went to Mineral,VA to attend an awesome bluegrass music festival in a time span of 3 years. It's been years since I've lugged around a big bulky SLR 35mm camera with interchangable lenses, it's much easier to use a digital camera in the nowdays. enjoy the photos.
 This is the 2007 installment of the Mineral,VA Bluegrass Festival photos.

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